Pet owners are known for their odd trends. The latest is cutting a cat’s hair to create spikes on its back and tail, in order to look like a prehistoric animal! This trend has been dubbed “dino cut” or “dragon cut,” and the grooming leaves your cat looking very much like a dinosaur or dragon.
If you’re curious about what a dragon cut is on a cat, then read on to learn more!
What is a Dino Cut or Dragon Cut?
A Dino or Dragon Cut is a variation of the Lion Cut where a cat is shaved on its back, tummy and neck while leaving long hair on its legs, face and tail. With the Dragon Cut, a strip of hair is retained along the cat’s back which is then styled, along with the tail, into dragon-like spikes.
Here are some of the best pictures on Instagram of cats shaved like dinosaurs or dragons.
Image Credits: Highsocietyfrankie Instagram

Image Credits: beyond.paws Instagram
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Is shaving my cat harmful?
Many people believe that giving their long-haired cat a lion cut will help them stay cool in the summer, however this is a myth. Because a cat’s fur helps regulate body temperature, removing it can cause them to overheat. The coat of a cat is meant to trap hot or cold air and prevent it from reaching the skin, causing them to get hot or cold. Without its fur to cover the skin, a cat is equally vulnerable to sunburn.
When Should I shave my cat?
The matting of your cat’s fur is the most common reason for getting your cat shaved. If long-haired cats develop mats in their fur that won’t come out with a brush, they’ll have to be removed using scissors, which isn’t suggested, or clippers. As the mats form, irritation may cause damage to the skin beneath, resulting in pain if left too long. If your cat’s hair is matted, the full lion cut may not be necessary. Instead, a belly shave may be all that’s needed to get rid of the matted fur.
Before you commit to giving your feline friend a drastic haircut, talk to your veterinarian first as it’s important to learn about the potential risks of shaving your cat.
Find grooming supplies for your cat