Things to Consider When Breeding Ragdoll Cats

Guide to Breeding Ragdoll Cats

By Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World

November 20, 2021

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The Ragdoll cat is a large, gentle breed that was first seen in the 1960s. Ragdolls are known for their docile temperaments and their long, silky fur. Breeding Ragdoll Cats can be difficult and requires a lot of work, so it’s important to know what to expect before getting started. Here are some things to think about before breeding your Ragdoll cat.

Breeding Ragdoll cats is not something to enter into lightly. The thought of lots of cute and cuddly kittens playing running around your home may sound appealing, however, there is a lot more involved in breeding Ragdolls than meets the eye and that should be considered. Breeding Ragdolls is not for people who are not willing to spend significant time and resources working with their cats. We’ve put together a brief guide on things to consider when breeding Ragdoll cats.


How to Start Breeding Ragdoll Cats


Before you decide to breed, do a lot of research. Be aware that you’ll need to invest a considerable amount of money at the start of the breeding process. Not only will you have the expense of purchasing a breeding pair you’ll also need a substantial amount of equipment such as a queening cage, scales, special diet food, a license and cattery registration.

Tuft + Paw

Take your time. Be sure to interview plenty of Ragdoll breeders and don’t just buy your breeding queen from the first one you contact. When you become a new breeder It is vital that you have a good ongoing relationship with your selling breeder. It’s important to establish a relationship with your breeder that you can trust. You’ll want to feel completely comfortable calling your breeder up at any time of the day or night if necessary. Examine the entire pedigree of each breeding Ragdoll you are considering, and if you do not know enough about the particular Ragdolls listed on the pedigree, ask for the details of the registered owners, and contact them to discuss their bloodlines.

Talk to your vet to find out the costs and potential complications associated with breeding. Do your research. Make sure you read all that you can on breeding purebred cats, and in particular Ragdoll Cats.

Guide to Breeding Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll Cat Breeding Costs

Breeding quality Ragdoll Cats can cost up to two to three times the amount of what you would expect to pay for a pet-quality Ragdoll. It can be said that the usual yearly vet costs of a Ragdoll pet cat triples for that of a breeding pair.  Plus add in the cost of deworming, flea-treating, vaccinating and microchipping your kittens, as well as caring for the general health of your breeding cat, the costs can prove to be a major expense.

Another cost that cannot be underestimated is that you have to feed your breeding cats and kittens premium food along with supplemental vitamins. You are also going to get through a large amount of kitty litter!

If you want to be known for your cats and kittens, you need to enter them into cat shows. Entry fees, transportation costs, groomers and show supplies can quickly add up, but it’s worth it to establish your reputation as a quality breeder.

The Breeding Pair

Some Ragdoll breeders will elect to just have a breeding Queen and use the services of a Stud from another cattery with which they work closely with. If you decide to purchase a breeding pair then the male must be kept isolated to prevent him spraying urine in the house. Not all males spray, you may be one of the lucky ones whose stud doesn’t. This behavior usually occurs at around eight months old when the male becomes sexually active.

Thought must go into the arrangements you make into isolating your male, should be a sprayer. A solo cat, living in a stud is not a happy cat. One way of solving this problem is to have a spayed or neutered companion cat living alongside the Stud cat. If that is something that you wish to do then it is best to have both cats grow up together as kittens.

The Queen cat may also spray, but it is not as offensive as that of the Stud male. Female cats will call loudly when they come into heat, which can be an inconvenience for you. It may also annoy your neighbors and prevent your breeding program from being successful. If your neighbors are unhappy, they may try to shut down your breeding program.

Guide to Breeding Ragdoll Cats

Space requirements

If you’re thinking about breeding Ragdoll Cats in your home, then you’ll need a lot of space. You may also need to provide a separate living area for your male cat if he’s a “sprayer.” When the time comes, the female will need to be provided with a “queening” area for the birth and nursing of her kittens. If you have more than one breeding female then they all need their own ‘queening’ area in your home as their kittens need to be separated from other litters until they are ready to explore. Finally, once the kittens are ready to explore you’ll need to provide them with a safe space so that they don’t get up to any mischief!


Time requirements

Breeding cats is not an easy task. It takes up all your time and ties you to the litter box, bleach bucket and mop. You may have a difficult time arranging to be present for each birth, but you must be present to provide whatever assistance your queen needs.

When each litter is born there’s the possibility that supplemental feedings will be required and if for any reason queen isn’t able to nurse her kittens, you’ll need to take over and feed them every two to four hours. Even if supplemental feedings are not required, kittens still must be weighed and examined at least twice each day.

Kittens who are being weaned need a lot of extra care and attention to ensure that they are adjusting appropriately to their new diet, eating well, and continuing to gain weight. Some kittens refuse to start eating solid foods, and if not monitored carefully and fed by hand can become weak and unfortunately die.

Ragdolls are known for their laidback and loving temperament but the majority of their personality depends on you spending hours with them. You’ll need to socialize them through cuddling and play, which will take up most of your time. Breeding is time-intensive, so that leaves little time to go out. You’ll need to feed them twice daily, change their water, clean the litter box and disinfect and vacuum the home regularly.

Guide to Breeding Ragdoll Cats

Genetic Considerations

Ragdolls are a relatively new breed that has only been in existence for about 60 years. This is why it’s important to make sure that the cats you’re breeding are not closely related, as inbreeding in Ragdolls can cause genetic health problems.

Breeding Ragdoll Cats is not an easy journey, so we suggest that you carefully consider your options before you start a breeding program. If you decide to pursue this route, be sure to contact the Ragdoll Fanciers Club International (RFCI) for more information and insight into this breed’s challenges.

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Written by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World

I'm Jennie, the creator of Ragdoll Cats World. I have been owned and loved by Ragdoll Cats for almost twenty years after getting my first Ragdoll kittens, Huey and Choo-Choo back in 2003. They lived to the grand old age of 18 and 17 and they even made the move from London to Australia with me! We now have two Ragdoll cats, Violet and Ocean, and a Maine Coon cat named Eddie, and we love sharing our knowledge of all things related to Ragdoll Cats with you at Ragdoll Cats World!

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