When Should You Train Your Ragdoll Cat? An Essential Guide

By Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World

May 8, 2023

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Like many domestic animals, ragdoll cats can become obedient pets. Training is essential for pets living at home since it teaches them discipline. 

Ragdolls, like most cats, have a sense of independence. However, with perseverance and an understanding of your pet’s temperament, you can teach them valuable tricks and lessons to maintain their health and happiness. Keep reading to learn when and how you should train your ragdoll for their and your benefit.


Start As Early As Possible

Most young creatures are impressionable, so it’s easy to teach them new things before they reach the age of maturity. When your ragdoll is still a kitten or under a year old, it’s the best time to begin training them. Ragdolls reach full maturity after four years, providing ample time to train them in the basics.

Tuft + Paw

First-time cat owners should have at least a basic idea of how to train a kitten. That includes practicing positive reinforcement, staying consistent, and focusing on one task at a time. Living with your beloved pet will be less stressful when they don’t grow up running your home as if they own it. 


Match Their Energy

Ragdolls are named as such because they go limp when you pick them up. Like most cat breeds, they tend to have short bursts of energy and respond within their threshold. As such, the ideal time to train your cat is during these periods of high energy. 

When ragdolls are younger, these high-energy periods are more frequent. So, you have more time in a day to teach them basic tricks and lessons. If you’re training an older ragdoll a few years past kitten age, teaching them what they need to do is still possible. You must match their energy or encourage them by offering a treat or their favorite toy.

Once your cat begins to slow down and show signs of fatigue, let them rest. Avoid forcing your pet to do something when they’re exhausted and not in the mood. Ragdolls enjoy getting a few good naps during the day, and they deserve them. You can continue training when they’re back up and fully energized.


Invest In Training Equipment And Accessories

In this context, equipment refers to toys and treats. Cats are more likely to engage in play and training when there’s fun and food involved. These items include feather wands, rubber toys, and plush dolls. The best part is that most of these toys are available in any nearby local pet store. 

Aside from toys, you should also invest in cat essentials like a crate, leash, litter box, and, though optional, a clicker. These items will be the basis of your training since you must teach your ragdoll how to interact and use them properly. Before you even consider adopting a cat, you’ll need these accessories at home. 

When your cat arrives, you should begin training them with these things immediately. The earlier you do, the better it’ll be for the whole household.

Focus On The Basics One At A Time

Training a ragdoll cat sometimes requires you to concentrate on one task at a time, even when they’re still young. A kitten might be receptive to new things, but their attention may not be enough to absorb several lessons simultaneously.

Teach your ragdoll to use the litter box at home first, starting at four weeks old. You’ll want your pet to avoid leaving its excrement on your carpets. During litter training, always keep the box in the exact location. Bring your cat to that spot whenever they need to use it, and they’ll eventually go there alone. 

Afterward, you can move on to teaching your cat how to mingle with other humans and pets in your home. Make sure they’ve had their vaccine shots before doing this. They’ll be easier to handle and train to do other things. Thankfully, ragdolls have gentle temperaments and love being around people.


Have Patience And Consistency

It requires a lot of effort on the pet owner’s part to train their furry companion. Even if ragdolls are mild-mannered, they’re still cats with the energy they need to release. So, be patient with them and take your time. Older and more bashful ragdoll cats need your patience and positive reinforcement to perform the tasks you want them to do.

It also pays to stay consistent with training your ragdoll. Repetitive commands often get in their head better than if you say them infrequently. So, teach them daily whenever they have the energy for excellent results. The best time to have a patient and consistent mindset for training is during the first year with your ragdoll cat.


The best time to train your ragdoll cat is when they’re younger yet old enough to move around independently. However, you can teach an older cat, too. Gather training accessories like toys, clickers, and treats to encourage them. When they’re energized and excited, you’ll get them listening to you in no time.

One of the perks of ragdolls is that they crave human attention and affection. They may happily respond to training well to receive your love. But remember to be firm and let them know you’re the boss. If you give your cat too much leeway, all the training could be for nothing.


Written by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World

I'm Jennie, the creator of Ragdoll Cats World. I have been owned and loved by Ragdoll Cats for almost twenty years after getting my first Ragdoll kittens, Huey and Choo-Choo back in 2003. They lived to the grand old age of 18 and 17 and they even made the move from London to Australia with me! We now have two Ragdoll cats, Violet and Ocean, and a Maine Coon cat named Eddie, and we love sharing our knowledge of all things related to Ragdoll Cats with you at Ragdoll Cats World!

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