by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Aug 12, 2022 | Health
Ragdoll cats are a popular breed known for their docile and affectionate nature. However, some ragdoll owners have noticed that their cats seem to vomit more often than other cats. While it’s normal for all cats to vomit occasionally, is there something about...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Aug 9, 2022 | Health
When a cat begins to drool excessively, it is important to determine the underlying cause as soon as possible. In some cases, the cause may be relatively minor and can be treated easily. However, in other cases, the cause may be more serious and require veterinary...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Aug 7, 2022 | Health, Living with a Ragdoll Cat
Ragdoll Cats are known for being independent and low-maintenance pets, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get sick. Like humans, cats can experience a wide range of health problems, from minor issues like a cold to more serious conditions like cancer....
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Aug 7, 2022 | Grooming, Health, Living with a Ragdoll Cat
If your ragdoll cat is constantly scratching, it may have fleas. Fleas are one of the most common pet problems. Fleas are tiny, parasitic insects that can be found on the skin and fur of cats and other animals. These little blood-sucking parasites can cause major...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Aug 5, 2022 | Health
One of the most common health issues seen in ragdolls is diarrhea. There are a number of different causes of diarrhea in ragdoll cats, and it is important to identify the cause so that the correct treatment can be administered. Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Aug 5, 2022 | Health
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a heart disease that is most commonly seen in Ragdoll and Persian cats. It is caused by an abnormal growth of the heart muscle. This can lead to the heart becoming thick and stiff, making it difficult for the cat to pump blood...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Jul 31, 2022 | Appearance, Health
Ragdoll cats are a popular breed of domesticated cat. They are known for their docile and friendly nature, as well as their large size. Ragdolls typically weigh between 12 and 20 pounds, making them one of the largest cat breeds. While there is no normal weight for a...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Jul 30, 2022 | Health
Anemia is a condition that develops when there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, shortness of breath, and pale skin. If your Ragdoll Cat is suffering from anemia it...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | Jun 18, 2022 | Allergies, Grooming, Health, Living with a Ragdoll Cat
Ragdoll cats are a type of domestic cat breed that is known for their long silky hair and tendency to go limp when they are picked up. Ragdolls are bred to be docile and non-aggressive, and they make popular pets. One common question about Ragdolls is whether or not...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | May 24, 2022 | Grooming, Health
Ragdolls can get hairballs just like any other cat, but they are especially prone to them because of their long fur. Here are some tips to help prevent hairballs in your ragdoll cat: What Causes Ragdolls to Have Hairballs? Hairballs, or furballs, are...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | May 24, 2022 | Allergies, Health, Living with a Ragdoll Cat
Ragdoll cats are a cat breed that is known for their friendly personality and large size but is a ragdoll cat hypoallergenic? Ragdolls are considered to be one of the most popular breeds of cats. It is a common thought that Ragdoll Cats are hypoallergenic. While there...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | May 23, 2022 | Cat Behavior, Grooming, Health
The answer here is definitely no! Declawing is a painful and inhumane procedure that should never be considered for your Ragdoll Cat. What Does Declawing Involve? Declawing is an amputation procedure that removes the claws from a cat’s feet. The claws...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | May 22, 2022 | Cat Behavior, Health, Living with a Ragdoll Cat
Ragdoll cats are typically a very docile and friendly cat breed, but you may notice behavioral problems from time to time. If you’re having problems with your ragdoll cat, here are a few things that you can do to help. Many cats are not properly trained because some...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | May 21, 2022 | Health
You may be wondering ‘What is that black stuff under my cat’s chin?’ Many people think that the black specks they discover under their Ragdoll Cat’s chin are flea dirt but they are actually blackheads. Feline acne is a skin condition that...
by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World | May 20, 2022 | Health
Cat seizures are a common cause of emergency veterinary care. In this article, we will explore the causes and treatment of seizures in Ragdoll Cats. What Causes Ragdoll Cat Seizures? There is no definitive answer to this question. However, a variety of factors...