How to Open Up Nasal Passages For Cats Suffering From Cat Flu

How to Open Up Nasal Passages For Cats Suffering From Cat Flu

By Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World

October 23, 2022

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Cat flu is a common viral infection that affects cats. The most common symptoms are runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. Some cats may also experience fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

There are many different viruses that can cause cat flu, but the most common one is the feline herpesvirus. This virus is highly contagious and can be spread through direct contact with an infected cat, or through exposure to their respiratory secretions.

Most cases of cat flu are mild and will resolve on their own within a few weeks. However, some cats may develop complications such as pneumonia which can be fatal. Treatment for cat flu focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting the cat’s immune system.

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If your cat is suffering from cat flu, there are a few things you can do to help them. One of the best things you can do is help them open up their nasal passages. This will make it easier for them to breathe and will also help clear out some of the mucus that can build up during an infection.

How to Open Up Nasal Passages For Cats Suffering From Cat Flu

Here are a few tips on how to open up your cat’s nasal passages

Step 1: Use a Humidifier

One of the simplest things you can do to ease your cat’s congestion is to use a humidifier. Just like in humans, humidifiers add moisture to the air, which can help loosen up mucus and make breathing easier. Make sure to use a cool-mist humidifier, as warm-mist ones can pose a burn risk.

If you don’t have a humidifier, you can try running a hot shower and sitting in the bathroom with your cat for 10-15 minutes. The steam will help open up their nasal passages. You can also put a bowl of hot water in front of a fan and let your cat sit near it.


Step 2: Use a Saline Spray

If your cat is suffering from a runny nose or congestion, you can use a saline spray to help clear their nasal passages. Saline sprays work by helping to loosen and thin mucus, making it easier for your cat to breathe.

To use a saline spray, simply hold the bottle up to your cat’s nose and squirt a small amount into each nostril. You may need to do this several times a day until your cat’s symptoms start to improve. Just be sure not to use too much, as the spray can irritate your cat’s delicate nasal passages.


Step 3: Use a Warm Compress

If your cat is still having trouble breathing after following Steps 1 and 2, you can try using a warm compress. Soak a clean cloth in warm water, then wring it out. Gently place the cloth on your cat’s nose, being careful not to burn them. You can also place the cloth under their chin so they can breathe in the steam. Leave the compress in place for 5-10 minutes, then remove it and check to see if your cat’s breathing has improved.


In conclusion, when it comes to feline flu, the best thing you can do is prevent your cat from becoming infected in the first place. If your cat does contract the virus, there are a few things you can do to help ease their symptoms and shorten the duration of the illness.

If your cat is showing any signs of respiratory distress, take them to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. In some cases, antibiotics may be necessary. Your vet may also recommend giving your cat fluids to prevent dehydration.

There is no cure for feline flu, but most cats will recover within two to three weeks with proper care. Once your cat has recovered, make sure to clean and disinfect their environment to help prevent the spread of the virus to other cats.


Find out more about health issues in Ragdoll Cats

Written by Jennie @ Ragdoll Cats World

I'm Jennie, the creator of Ragdoll Cats World. I have been owned and loved by Ragdoll Cats for almost twenty years after getting my first Ragdoll kittens, Huey and Choo-Choo back in 2003. They lived to the grand old age of 18 and 17 and they even made the move from London to Australia with me! We now have two Ragdoll cats, Violet and Ocean, and a Maine Coon cat named Eddie, and we love sharing our knowledge of all things related to Ragdoll Cats with you at Ragdoll Cats World!

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