What Are Ragdoll Cats?
Ragdolls were bred in the 1960s by Ann Baker from California with the intention of producing a cat breed that would be unusually placid and easy-going with humans. In spite of their high level of tameness, Ragdolls are not known to be vocal. They have been said to meow less often than other breeds because they were bred to be docile and accepting of human contact.
Despite their placid nature, ragdoll cats may not always be silent. Whether they’re meowing or chirping, ragdoll cats can be loud when they want to get your attention! Here are some tips for understanding if your Ragdoll is vocal and what you can do about it.
Are Ragdoll Cats Very Vocal?
The Ragdoll breed is generally considered to be a quiet breed as opposed to a vocal cat like the Siamese Cat. Their meows are soft and musical. Some Ragdolls, however, do tend to meow more than others.
What are the reasons my Ragdoll cat is meowing?
Meows are used by cats as a form of communication. You may want to consider listening carefully if you hear your cat meowing. Some common messages include “hello” or “I’m here”.
A series of meowing sounds may indicate different things. For instance, a low-pitch meow could indicate happiness, while a higher pitch might mean that your cat wants something. Your cat could also be requesting food by making a sound.
Your Ragdoll may be trying to tell you something. Just listen carefully! Cats are very intelligent animals, and they love to communicate with their owners. Some cats even learn new tricks as they get older. However, if your cat isn’t talking to you right now, there could be several reasons why. First, make sure your cat is healthy by visiting our site about health issues.
Your pet might meow if he’s hurt or sick. Meowing could mean that your cat needs help. Your cat may be stressed out if he/she starts scratching furniture. Scratching is a sign of stress.
Type of meows
Your cat may make different meows depending on what he or she wants you to know. Some cats use meowing as a form of communication, while others use it to express emotions.
Hungry meows
Cat’s are usually excellent in communicating that they are hungry to you. It’s common to be woken up each morning with a hungry sounding meow demanding cat food.
A ‘hello’ meow
Your Ragdoll greets you by making a soft trilling sound. You might hear it greet another pet if he or she happens to be nearby.
The ‘I need your help’ meow
Your cat wants to be let out of the bathroom more often than anywhere else in the home.
The ‘I want attention’ meow
Your cat wants attention when he or she meows. Cats often meow after being left alone for too long, but also because they’re happy to see you. Make sure you give them plenty of love and playtime every day.
The Pain Meow
If you see your Ragdoll cat meowing in distress, take them to the veterinarian right away. Your cat could be suffering from a urinary tract infection, kidney disease, or other illness.
‘I’m scared’ Meow
Your cat might be afraid if they have had a frightening encounter with another cat or dog. You should try to calm them down by using treats, playtime, and quiet sounds.
My Ragdoll cat is meowing too much – is there something wrong?
If your cat is meowing excessively, it could be a sign of a health problem. Cats use meows to tell you what they want like food, water, or affection. But they also use meows as a form of self-defence when they feel threatened or scared. It’s likely that your cat is trying to tell you something.
Being on heat
Your cat might be yowling due to “heat” or being in estrous. Yowls are often associated with sexual activity.
Male Ragdoll cats do not go into heat unless they’re neutered. Female cats that aren’t spayed may start going through the “heat” cycle if they’re exposed to males. Neutering prevents them from doing so.
Your Ragdoll may be ill. Pay attention to any unusual behaviors such as excessive scratching, hiding under furniture, refusing to eat, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, listlessness, fever, loss of appetite, or seizures. Also, pay close attention to whether your pet seems to be getting thinner or gaining more weight than usual.
These symptoms may be early warning signs of illness:
- Bad breath,
- Changes in Breathing,
- Changes in Gait,
- Diarrhea,
- Discharges from Eyes or Nose,
- Increase Thirst,
- Lethargy,
- Limping,
- Decrease Appetite Loss or Increase Of Appetite,
- Overgrooming,
- Skin Irritation,
- Swelling,
- Vomiting,
- Weight Gain Or Loss.
Loss of Hearing
Your Ragdoll may start to lose their hearing as they enter their senior years, and with that their meows will become a lot louder.
An older cat that suffers from hearing loss may be unaware of your presence until you’re already inside the house. Their eyesight isn’t affected by the condition. Some senior cats don’t even hear sounds made by other animals. Deaf cats tend to sleep more than normal cats.
Your Ragdoll may be suffering from hearing loss if he or she exhibits any of these signs. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.
An early sign of cognitive dysfunction
Ragdolls, as with any other cat, can suffer from cognitive issues, which you can similarly relate to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. Typically, the problem occurs more often with older cats, but it can occur even with young ones. As your Ragdoll begins to show signs of dementia, they might start meowing more than usual along with being confused about what they see around them. Your Ragdoll could be doing this while sleeping or watching television.
Speak with your veterinarian about any concerns you may have regarding your Ragdoll. You’ll want to make sure that everything is fine before worrying unnecessarily.
How to stop excessive meowing?
You may want to try some new things to help your cat stop being such a loudmouth. Try changing your routine by feeding your kitty earlier or later than usual, making sure they get plenty of exercise, using different toys, or playing games with them. Consider giving your cat a reward if it stops yelping.