What health issues do Ragdoll Cats have?
Ragdoll cats are a domestic cat breed that originated in the United States in the 1960s. They are known for their long lives and low occurrence of health problems. However, there are a few health issues that can affect them. What Health Issues are Ragdoll Cats prone...
Cross Eyed Ragdoll Cat
Ragdoll cats are known for their stunning blue eyes but can a Ragdoll cat be cross-eyed? Any pointed cat can be cross-eyed, it's not specific to any particular breed although Siamese, Persian and Himilayan Cats tend to be more cross-eyed than any other breed. It is as...
Ragdoll Cat Teeth: What Type Of Teeth Do Ragdolls Have?
One of the most overlooked parts of a cat's health is their teeth. We assume that they will just take care of their own teeth, but this is not the case. As a cat owner we need to be aware of what is typical development for our cat and how to care for our cat's dental...
Incontinence In Ragdoll Cats: What You Need To Know
The term ‘incontinence’ is often used to describe a cat that loses control of its bladder or bowels. There are many reasons for bladder incontinence, but most cases are due to age, illness, or injury. In some cases, there may not be anything you can do to prevent this...
Are Ragdoll Cats Aggressive?
Ragdoll cats are a breed of cat that is known for being friendly, loving, and playful. They are also known for being very passive and kept as indoor cats as they lack a fighting instinct. However, there are some cat owners who have experienced their Ragdoll being...
Ragdoll Cat Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): What To Know
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are one of the most common diseases in cats. A urinary tract infection is an infection of the bladder, kidneys, or urethra. It can cause many symptoms including a fever, pain in the abdomen, and blood in the urine. Ragdoll cats have a...
Why is my Ragdoll Cat Losing Hair?
A common question often asked is why does my Ragdoll cat losing hair and developing bald patches? The answer to this question is not always clear, but there are a few things you can do to help your cat look and feel better. A cat's coat is its most important defense...
Do Male Cats have Nipples?
A popular question that many people ask is whether male cats have nipples? The answer to this question is yes, male cats do have nipples. However, they are not functional and do not produce milk. Why do male cats have nipples? Female cats have nipples in order...
What is a Lion Cut?
As we know, Ragdoll Cats can be very docile and loving animals. They're also known for being a long haired breed with unique features such as blue eyes, silky fur, and large size. However, in the last few years, the trend has been to turn these gentle giants into...
How Many Eyelids do Cats Have?
Have you ever wondered how many eyelids cats have? Cats can have three eyelids: one upper and lower lid with an extra eyelid on the inside of the eye. The third eyelid is often called the haw or nictitating membrane. Veterinarians may refer to this as the palpebra...
Best Pill Shooter for Cats
If you are a pet owner, you know that administering pills can be difficult. Cats tend to be more stubborn than dogs and will make things more difficult by either spitting out the pill or hiding from you. Not only is this frustrating, but it can also be dangerous for...
How long do Ragdoll Cats live?
Since the Ragdoll first appeared on the cat scene back in the 1960s, the breed has become immensely popular. They are one of the largest cat breeds and have very distinctive coloring and markings, which is what first attracts people to this breed, but their laid-back...
Ragdoll Cat Size
Their laid-back and docile nature characterizes Ragdoll Cats, but they are more widely known for being one of the largest cat breeds, alongside the Maine Coon cat. So how big do Ragdoll Cats get? And how much do they weigh? Here's everything you need to know about the...